Our Christmas stockings finally have a home!! These 3M hanger thingies that you can put up and then remove without damaging paint has now allowed me to hang our stockings next to our tree. I have had quite the time trying to find just the right spot for our stockings over the years. I know what you're thinking...why don't I just hang the darn things up on the fireplace where they belong? Yes, I know we have a fireplace mantle, but it is in the family room - no where near any of my yuletide decorations, all firmly planted in the living room.
So, our first few years living in this house, I merely pulled them out of the humble Christmas box on Christmas Eve and put them on the couch. After a few years of this, I decided I actually wanted to enjoy the stockings I had worked so hard on (if you squint real hard, you might be able to see the intricate stitchery on the white fluff).
Anyway, I decided to tactfully (if you could call it that) tape them to my banister, which is near the living room. It pains me to even admit this because now you know I am not an interior decorator by nature. Tape on the banister lasted only two years before I decided I needed to rethink my stocking display. Last year I ended up just laying them across the top of the couch, thus allowing any visitors the wonderful opportunity of moving a stocking in order to sit down.
I was out of options, and desperate for another way to display my stockings this year, when what to my wondering eye, I beheld the wondrous new 3M invention my neighbor used for her stockings!! I am now enjoying our lovely new living room decor.
Perfect solution!
Your stockings look so festive hanging there! What fun to have them on display.
You'll have to let me know how they work when full. I saw those and am very interested in how they'll handle the weight of a full stocking.
Hehe...I would like to know how they hold up too :) I actually don't think they would hold up very well - since the hanger isn't very big.
I don't plan on filling them while they are hanging up. We usually put them on the couch when they are filled Christmas morning.
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