Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bike Repair Woman

You might remember a few weeks ago when I was so proud of fixing Kimberly's bike tire. Well, she was having more issues with the other bike tire yesterday, so I told her to wait for her dad to get home. Guess what he said? "Well, you did such a good job fixing the last tire, why don't you go ahead and do this one?"

He got my womanly glare in return.

He started fixing the tire himself this morning, but it needed a completely new tube. Since he needed to attack the war zone (see next posting) with the tiller, I felt bad and offered to go buy a new tube. While I was at it, I bought a new tube for Kimberly's old bike so Alicia could start riding it.

I came home, pulled off the bike tires, put in the new tubes, put the tires back on (this of course involves wrenches and grease on my beautiful womanly hands), blew up the tires and wa-la! I did another manly project on my own. I have learned though that it comes around to bite me in the butt afterwords since John now thinks I am a pro bike repair woman.

I am never learning how to do those types of chores again. I will leave it in manly territory from now on.


Janell said...

I remember a friend who told me that she even refused to change a light bulb because she didn't want her husband to get the idea that she could do things. :-) Seemed like a little overkill!

M. Nelson said...

Funny how things like that turn around and bite you in the end. I guess you could argue the same point when it comes to the dishes.

M. Nelson said...

Okay, based on your comments on my post I will try to ease some of your jealousy. :) It rains at least every other day. I'm used to rain cooling things off. The rain here actually BRINGS the heat. And our dehumidifier has been known to pull 6 gallons of water out of the air in a 24-hour period. I so prefer dry air. It's in my blood. So in other words, I'm jealous of your sprinkler system and drought resistant grass! :)

Nelson Nine said...

Ahhh! I have got to look at the blogs more often. You have like four new ones! I am impressed that you fixed the bike tires. I leave that totally up to Mark.

Keith Rimington said...

Go you. Way to share the load. I've never believed that "men's and women's roles" were silos. Besides, you provided yet another thing for John to brag about in his wife. I'll wager you made his day.