Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not Technologically Challenged

I got a new MP3 player for my birthday and have enjoyed some walks and bike rides with it listening to the radio because I hadn't yet figured out how to rip cds onto the dang thing. Yes, I had tried, but no success.

Yesterday rolled around and I had to make a cd using Windows Media Player for our primary activity on Saturday. In the process, I noticed a button that said Rip. I thought - aha! I wonder if this is how you rip cds onto the computer, then I can transfer them onto my mp3 player.

I hit the royal payday!! I did it and now I have 10 cds on my player now, with room for more. I think I'll save space for some books so I have something to listen to while I'm driving up to Portland next month.

I just had to share my exciting technological experience and tell you that I can actually figure something out on the computer without John's help. Sigh, such a nice feeling.


Nelson Nine said...

You go girl. I confess my children gave me one for my birthday. It sat in a drawer until the guilt got to me and I had my children show me how to do it. You did it on your own! You rock!

Janell said...

Kevin keeps telling me that I need one of those. Justin gave me his old one but I've not figured it out so I'm impressed.

M. Nelson said...

Good for you! Randal probably showed me 12 times before I could do it myself.

Linda said...

Well, I definitely am way behind on the new technology. It sounds fun.