Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How I've Survived My 1st Trimester

I am a few days shy of the end of my 1st trimester and have mixed emotions. I am not ready for my middle to increase in size. I like my pants just the way they are thank you very much. That aside, I am anxious to be done with the weird and mysterious world of morning sickness. Here is how I have been able to survive the last 12 weeks:

An endless supply of Big Red Gum: I don't know why, but I seem to have a chronic bitter taste in my mouth and nothing seems to help it go away, other than a mouthful of Big Red gum. Of course, this only lasts for a short time before the bitterness returns, at which point, I'm popping in more of my latest addiction.

Rice Krispies: Gone are the the days of popcorn and other treats at night. Hand me over the Rice Krispies please because that is all that seems to sound good to the weirdness going on in my tum-tum. (Yes, you read more Cheerios at night for the time being.)

Yogurt and Graham Crackers: I am an avid follower of Weight Watchers, so I am mostly good at eating my 3 point bowl of cereal in the morning, and then eating nothing until lunch (why would I want to waste a perfectly good set of points before the day has even really gotten started?). This no longer works for me as I start to get light headed and the queeziness begins settling into my gut before noon, therefore...I have now settled in to eating yogurt and graham crackers mid-morning with Natalie.

Good-bye cool aerobics tapes, hello annoying walk at home dvd - I have zilcho energy in the day now, so I could really do without all the exercise mumbo jumbo, but alas, I sleep better and my legs don't get so wild at night when I do (you know, restless leg syndrome), so I force myself into my exercise clothes and pop in the latest Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVD. She is really annoying, ("Yes you can, I know you can do it, shape those beautiful thighs!"....ugh) but I just cannot gather up enough energy to do my normal, non-annoying dvds. So, I get to endure with Leslie for a few more months.

Thank heavens for my bed: Poor John. We are night owls. Usually. This changes when I get pregnant. Suddenly, going to bed at 9:30 p.m. sounds much more preferable to staying up and enjoying the yuckiness going on with my bod. Oh, and the lack of energy too. My eyelids are not not holding up their own weight these days either.

My potty at 3 in the morning: I guess my body is prepping me for the night feedings coming my way. In fact, this is how I suspected I was pregnant before I took a pregnancy test. Who enjoys waking up to a furious bladder demanding some attention?

Anyway, these were the highlights of the first trimester. Now the countdown begins (8 weeks) until we see if we are having a Jack or a Jill.


M. Nelson said...

One down, two to go. In solidarity I'll help you celebrate with some Rice Krispies tonight.

Happy walking!

James and Katrina said...

Sounds fun! Well not really, but congratulations on the 1st trimester. That sounds like my pregnancies. Do you throw-up much? Hope all goes well!