Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kimberly Tickling the Ivory

I think it is safe to say that piano lessons seem to be working!! Kimberly asked me last summer if she could start learning how to play the piano, so I gave her a simple book she could tinker around with over the summer break, and tinker away she did! She would often plop herself at the piano and learn the simple songs. By September, I was convinced that she was interested in learning how to play the piano. The real question then was, would she respond to piano lessons taught by her mother, or would I have to outsource the instruction?

She was excited about her first lessons, even reminding me about them when I forgot, and here is the absolutely amazing, mind-boggling thing I discovered...she actually enjoys practicing!! I hardly have to remind her to practice. I know this is a miracle, so I'm soaking it up for all it's worth while it lasts.

What's funny is we've even argued over who got to play the piano...hehe. There have been a couple times where we both wanted to play at the exact same time! I do have to say, one thing about having a piano player in the house is getting to listen to the same songs over, and over, and over again - especially her favorite ones. We've had to start limiting how many times she plays the William Tell Overture, because she was starting to get real creative with it - how loud can she play it, how many different octaves can she play the song, how many different keys can it be played in...you get the idea. I think she has definitely found one of her talents. Piano and horse riding. Hmm...what an interesting combination.

1 comment:

James and Katrina said...

Yeah! Way to go Kimberly! That's wonderful that you take piano from your mom.