Friday, September 2, 2011

Minus a couple things

It pays to live in a good neighborhood, one where my nine-year-old neighbor can train my daughter how to do things.

Like this:

I did not have to train Natalie how to ride a bike without training wheels. Nor did John this time around. I just left it up to Alicia's nine-year-old friend to do the deed.

**Note** My girls DO wear helmets when they ride their bikes, but I completely forgot to have her wear it for the picture-taking session. oops.

Now don't go thinking I forced her into it. I didn't even plead nicely. Natalie has been begging to have her training wheels taken off, especially since a couple of her friends can now ride a two-wheeler. I discovered many years ago that I am a terrible teacher when it comes to two-wheel bike riding, so it's been John's job for the girls.

We only had one problem this time around: John has been out of town for the last couple of weeks in New Mexico on business, so I reassured Natalie that he would help her learn when he got home.

Guess she got tired of waiting because a couple days ago while she was playing outside, my 9-year-old neighbor brought out her old bike and taught Natalie how in 10 minutes flat.

Have I mentioned I have the best neighbors anyone can ask for?

You can bet I will sign her up to train Megan too when she turns four.

1 comment:

Nelson Nine said...

She is too little to be riding a bike!