Sunday, September 18, 2011

Do The Puyallup

Whenever I think of the state fair, I can't help but remember while growing up all of the commercials for the Washington State Fair with the catchy jingle singing about "...Do the Puyallup." Please tell me you fellow Seattlites remember those? Heck, maybe they're even still singing it up there?

So, the Utah State Fair may not have a catchy tune, but it's a tradition for us to go down every year. Last Saturday was our day of choice for the fair, which was a first for us as we have usually gone during the work week in the past, picking John up from work on the way. Now that he works in Clearfield, we attempted a Saturday. Next year we will go back to middle of the week.

Reason? Ever try finding a parking spot near the fairgrounds on a late Saturday afternoon? And tack on the fact that North Temple is down to just one lane each as they add in the trax lines. 30 minutes of seeing sign after sign of 'parking lot full,' we were about ready to give up when we saw one lot with a few spots open. We found out real quick why they still had spots. They were double the price of everywhere else. But, when the supply is down, demand does have a tendency to increase. After our harrowing experience, we were willing to pay the increased price.

We spent 4 hours at the fair, so it was well worth the parking hassles (well, almost.)

We saw kangaroos and wallabies, spent some time in the science area, did a treasure hunt in one of the buildings, visited every building with displays of some sort, saw the animals, and caught a couple of rides.

The older girls even enjoyed petting a goose.

Megan, not so much.

Got to see the loomer in action. In fact, the girls quite enjoyed themselves and spent quite a bit of time asking her questions and watching her at work.

John, not so much.

We always ride the Ferris Wheel.

Though, we did learn that Kimberly is not so keen about heights.
Not a problem for Megan though!

Too bad our garden didn't produce one of these babies.

The state fair always signals the end of summer and the start of fall. I love fall, but it is never long enough! We'll see what this fall has in store for us.


The Heki Family said...

What a fun tradition. I have never been. We did go to Clinton Heritage days this year for the first time and rode one ride.

JRim said...

I'm so sad I missed the Fair. Maybe next year!