We discovered it as a family about a month ago when we set out on a family bike ride down the trail. Then John and I went by ourselves last week for a date, even biking in the dark with some headlamps - now that is a fun adventure and a very fun cheap date idea. We rode all the way down to Farmington and took the train home. One of these days we'd like to ride all the way down to Salt Lake.
I am so excited to have a cool bike trail near us that is so smooth and flat!! I absolutely adore riding bikes. Sadly, I didn't have my camera for any of our biking adventures, and John and I looked incredibly dorky with our head lamps under our bike helmets, so suffice it so say, I will have to wait for another time to take pictures.
Today I went back to the trail with just my two young 'uns. While I pushed Megan in the stroller, Natalie could ride her bike to her heart's content and I didn't have to worry about any cars, weird turns, crazy drivers, etc. - we basically had the trail to ourselves and spent 60 luxurious minutes soaking in the warm fall air, feeling the light breeze, and counting the katrillion grasshoppers along the trail (some not so alive and thoroughly squished. nasty).
Oh, and getting some exercise too while we were at it.
I'm still not quite sure where this trail is? Where is the trail head? So this is not the trail that parallels Legacy Highway?
That is so great. I also love riding my bike!
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