Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Tale of Two John

It was the best of roads, it was the worst of roads. Charles Dickens is rolling in his grave now! :)

Last week I had the pleasure of picking up a nail while driving through a construction zone on I15. Can you believe it, road construction in Utah! It doesn't happen very often. :) Half way through, my car started complaining about tire pressure in the right rear tire. Seriously, it knew which tire. By the time I pull over, memories of ten years earlier when I nearly cut the tread off the sidewall come back. Not a pleasant experience at freeway speeds. This time around, the tire had only deflated part way. Phew, don't need to buy a new tire!

I grew up fixing cars with my Dad, who grew up fixing cars with his Dad. Add a couple more Grandpas who have fixed a lot of cars, and I don't mind getting under the hood. It's kind of fun; I get to use repair words fixing the car! :D Anyway, I was taught that when the dash lights come on, it's too late. Many years later, I think I like these new dash lights that warn you before it's too late. Now, if I can only get the radio to work ... :)


Nelson Nine said...

You know, people who fix their own cars are kind of sexy--at least that is what I am told. I personally never noticed. What does Dana think?

The Heki Family said...

Wow! I remember being shown how to change a tire but have never actually done it. knock on wood.

Good job Dana!