Saturday, November 27, 2010

Odds and Ends

A few bits of miscellaneous items:

Miscellaneous #1:
Our Christmas Shopping is 90% done. I am now an official online shopper. It all began 3 years ago when we saw a nice GPS for a great deal at one of the Black Friday sales. John got up early to pick up his Guitar Hero Wii stuff, then headed over to Office Max to pick up the GPS only to find out it was a bait and switch tactic. He tried a couple other stores, but they were either all gone or it wasn't a very good deal. I remember being quite sad as I had my heart set on one. Online shopping saved the day when we got an even better deal shopping from the comfort of our own home.

Then last year when we were hibernating with baby Megan, I did almost all of our shopping online. Now I'm just plain sold on sitting down at the computer and doing my shopping with a few clicks and - DONE - no more hopping across town from store to store. I even had John sit down and pick out the things he wanted to get. One stop shopping is my way to go - and we got some great stuff on sale with free shipping. For me, it can't possibly get any better than this.

Miscellaneous #2:
I am now the proud owner of a Pfaff Sewing Machine, the only sewing machine I can actually sew on. And trust me, I've tried a lot - Bernina, Singer, Wal-Mart Special, etc. and for some reason, my non-sewer hands keep gravitating towards the Pfaff and its miraculous helper foot thingie behind the main sewer foot, thus making my sewing actually look good.

Over the years, we have continually borrowed my sweet mother-in-laws machine and every time reminding ourselves we really needed to get our own. Don't get me wrong, we have tried finding a nicely priced used one, but had no such luck, so when my neighbor said she was just going to drop her slightly used Pfaff at the DI unless I wanted it, I told her I'd be right over.

I hope you are sitting down for this announcement because it is so shocking....

I plan on making a few Christmas gifts on my sewing machine as soon as I get it back from the guy giving it a tune-up. I know, shocking, but I found some easy patterns that I'm excited to try. I will post pictures after Christmas as several of my blog readers will be my sewing gift recipients.

Miscellaneous #3:
We had a fabulous Thanksgiving, filled with plenty of food and even better, surrounded by family. At one point during our feasting, a young woman came into the church house where we were at practically in tears because she couldn't find her family. She thought they were also celebrating at a local church house, but couldn't find them. I haven't forgotten how sad she looked and hope she found her family. I was grateful I knew where my family was and even those who were celebrating far away, they were close to my heart.

I think that's enough miscellaneous for now. Off to continue relaxing and fighting off the pumpkin pie temptations.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

90% done!!! Good for you!!! I'm about 75% finished and am starting to stress!! Only two more paydays til Christmas!!