Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Three Generations

Who knew when my mom learned to ski on the slopes at Brighton Ski Resort up Little Cottonwood Canyon that she would be skiing in that exact location down the road with her daughter and her granddaughter.
My mom came to visit this last weekend, so we decided to take advantage of all the Utah snow they keep hyping about in the TV ads. Trust me, the hype is well-justified. Nothing sweeter than a luscious trail of powdery fluff for us ski bums to plow our way through (okay, literally, Kimberly plowed, while my mom carved beautiful parallel patterns - and me, somewhere in between).

In other news on the Rimington front, I am currently on a loaner computer because our hard drive completely failed. Yup. Kapoot. No workee. Adios computer files. Sigh. New computer parts, here we come - in about a week. And it's only a 50 percent chance we'll be able to recover our data from said failed hard drive. Technology is a beautiful thing, ain't it?


Smith Family said...

I am so jealous! That picture is amazing! Beatiful backround!

Anonymous said...

That snow does look like a lot of fun!! I miss Utah snow! Sorry about your computer. That really bites!

Nelson Nine said...

I feel you computer pain. Good luck. So cool that your Mom can still ski--enjoy those moments. I was always a plower.

JRim said...

How exciting that the three of you could go skiing together!

Sorry about the computer :(

Linda said...

Great to see mother daughter experiences. It's something I never learned to do. Still can't see going down a hill on two skinny boards. I do admire those who can.