Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thank You Mr. President.

Specifically, President Roosevelt for setting aside a ton of national forest areas for us to enjoy.

We decided to honor his legacy and all other Presidents on Monday (since remember, John now gets every famous and unfamous government holiday off - woo-hoo) by enjoying those national forests with a bit of adventure -

Snow mobiling up Logan Canyon. We dropped off the two youngest girls at Grandma's house (thank you very much mom rimington) and sped on up to the lodge where we rented two snowmobiles and the fresh layers of powder from the weekend snow falls were just calling our name.

That is until 5 minutes into the adventure when I got my snowmobile stuck. oops. and then John got his snowmobile stuck trying to get mine unstuck. enter gps thingy the lodge gave us if we needed rescuing.
At this point I was wondering how many more times we would need the rescue beacon and $20 each time they had to come rescue us.

Anyway, after we were thus rescued, we forged ahead on some beautiful trails just laden with fluffy snow, and beautiful trees and valleys lining each side of the trail. I was thinking as I sped along with my speedster and Alicia behind me how much I love, love, love living in Utah with all of the magnificent snow activities just minutes from our house, then when we hit warmer months, beautiful hiking trails, then of course in the summer, camping, campfires, smores, beach fun at the lakes. I need to stop there. Now I'm getting all giddy for summertime. Reigning myself back in for the wintertime fun. Isn't it nice to have seasons?

So, we were all the way in the deep forests of Idaho, having crossed the border about halfway through the trek when we decided to turn around. Before doing so, John found a nice meadow where he could power his way through the thigh-deep snow. He did encounter one minor problem - a tree . To his credit, he was trying to turn, but with the deep snow, was having slight technical trouble. Kimberly and I watched as the tree shuddered when John and Alicia ran into it. Poor tree. Poor us having to dig ourselves out. No, we didn't have to page the rescue squad that time.

We actually discovered this place 12 years ago when we were still going to school up in Logan.

When we were finished on Monday, John asked me why we hadn't thought to do this sooner since we had so much fun. I had to remind him of the many years I spent either pregnant or nursing a baby. Now that we've had our last and she is well past nursing, we are excited about being in this next stage of life when we can enjoy such adventures.


Allison said...

This reminds me of the time JayDee and I were dating and he was trying to show off on a snowmobile and ended up flipping it over on top of us and breaking the windshield. Super fun! :)

Nelson Nine said...

What fun! Except for the rescuing part of course.

Gail said...

We've been trying to decide what to do for our family vacation this year. So we asked the kids if they would rather go to Bear World again or get season passes to Lagoon...guess what they picked.

We still haven't decided for sure.
Bear River Lodge has some cool cabin packages too.

Anonymous said...

That looks like soo much fun!!

James and Katrina said...

Looks like so much fun! Adventurous!