Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pink gets Even Pinker

I started another sewing project.

Using a lot of this -

And some of this -

TA-DA! I worked on it last night and am thrilled with the results. I'm also thankful both my mom and mom-in-law were only a phone call away when I had questions throughout the evening.

I'm making Easter skirts for the girls - and myself. Alicia was the first 'victim', only because when I cut the skirt out, intending it to be for Kimberly, it was a few inches shy of covering her glutious maximus, so it became Alicia's skirt. Now onto the next 4 skirts. Good thing Easter is still two months away.

And given that ALL of the girls in this family (yes, that would be 5 out of the 6 of us) will be in pink for Easter, it seemed only fitting for John to match us. Guess how long it took me to talk John into buying this tie...

I can't wait for Easter to be upon so we can show up at church in all of our pink glory!

Wait. Clearly the skirts are slightly more coral than John's bright pink tie. We may have to make some slight adjustments.


Nelson Nine said...

You are the WOMAN! I am truly so impressed. You go girl!

Linda said...

Way to go Dana! George would be proud of your pick for a tie. Tell John he will be quite handsome.

M. Nelson said...

Who are you? And what have you done with Dana!?! Sure, I move and then you start liking to sew! Just think of what we could have done together! That's it...I'm going to have to move back now.

The skirt is a-dor-a-ble! Almost as adorable as the little girl wearing it! You go!

Denni said...

I love them!! Your amazing. You'll have to teach me :). I'm ready for Easter too.

Allison said...

Who is thinking ahead clear to Easter?! I guess that would be you. Way to go!

Unknown said...

Super cute!! And way to go on talking John into wearing a "pink" tie.

The Heki Family said...

so adorable Dana. You are awesome. I love the skirt and the tulle flowers are beautiful. I would never be able to get CHris to get a pink tie so good job. I did order a matching light blue tie for matthew and Chris to each wear.