Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Balloon Time Fun

We made it out to Antelope Island to check out their Balloon Festival. It was fascinating being so close to several hot air balloons as they filled up. There is definitely a reason why they call it HOT air :)

Here is the buffalo Natalie was too scared to sit on...

Disney World should be interesting if she is that scared of a fake animal.

and here is a picture with 3 of my 4 girls being their typical funny selves wresting around playing with each other. They were truly playing like this when I had them turn and smile so I could snap a picture of one of their more candid moments.


Gail said...

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Janell said...

I've always thought ballooning looked like fun -- for someone else! I can't imagine actually going up in one.

Love the picture of the girls!

The Heki Family said...

looks like my girls. I wish I had known about the balloon festival. That looks like fun to see.