Monday, August 30, 2010

I've been thinking..

I was thinking about my post yesterday and how much I love writing and remembering back to January of '09 when I got the news that the Salt Lake Tribune was cutting all of their freelancers. I was devastated as it had been the perfect job for four years.

As I look back over last year, I now realize what a blessing in disguise it was for me. I became pregnant shortly after learning about the Tribune's cuts, so I was quite sick for several months (not nearly like my sister-in-law Marian or my friend Heidi down the street, but sick none-the-less). Just as I was coming out of the first trimester sickness, I got the news of my dad's death. I still don't remember how I functioned last summer. I was simply on autopilot and would not have been capable of even typing up a story, let alone doing an interview with someone.

Fall was Megan's birth, hospital stay, and months of house arrest (or at least felt like it anyway) while we tried to keep our new little babe healthy. I was barely holding on to the edge as I tried to adjust to a new person into our household and keep everything else still functioning. Again, I never would have been able to write during those months.

Now that I have adapted to life with four kids and overcome the initial grief and shock of my dad's passing, I realized mid-summer that I was ready to get back to my passion of writing. Some people do crafts, some people sew, some people cook - I write. Last year when all of us were let go from the Tribune, I had been told the Standard-Examiner was not looking for any more correspondents, so I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to get on with them. However, I felt a gentle nudging that I needed to call them during the summer. I had planned to wait until September when my girls were in school and life settled down a little bit, but again, the nudging continued, so I called in July, and wouldn't you know it, a position had just opened up and they hadn't even started advertising yet.

I am now writing every spare minute I have and loving every minute of it. In fact, this job is even better than the Tribune because I can get my stories printed any day of the week, rather than just on Friday's when the Davis County section I wrote for printed. I now have yet another example of how I've seen the hand of God working in my life. I could never have foreseen last years events, but my Heavenly Father had and knew exactly what I needed. I am grateful to know that I am a child of God, who loves me, knows me, and shares His love freely with me and all of His children. May you know and feel of His love also.


Janell said...

Its amazing how blessed we are in this life. Someone told me once that we would probably be shocked at all the miracles that occur in our lives that we don't notice in all the busyness.

The Porters said...

Things haven't always gone the way I want them to, but looking back it's always been for the best. Thanks for the reminder!! So grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who looks out for us!

Gail said...

I love this post! I've had a similar experience that I can't go explain in this little comment section but maybe I'll blog about it soon. Thanks for your meaningful posts, I love reading them and their a good reminder to all of us. When we look for it, we can always see God's hand in our life, HE loves us so much.

Nelson Nine said...

I am so happy for you! Heavenly Fathers loves us so much and he always knows whats best. Way to follow the nudge!

Linda said...

All I can say is amen. God does know us and it's so wonderful!