Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oldest Child Syndrome - Exponentially

So, Kimberly has had the fortune/misfortune (you pick) of being born to two oldest children themselves, so she gets the oldest child syndrome squared version.

You see, she is in the 5th grade and has signed up for every possible thing you can sign up for:

Peace Builder Student Adviser
Student Government
Ballroom Dance
Library Media Assistant

Every day this week she has come home with a new form from each activity for me to sign. We'll see what she signs up for today.

Also, I am a bit dismayed to see my OCD may have rubbed off on her. Apparently on the first day of school, the principal announced to all the students they needed to have a "buddy" if they walked/biked home from school, which is about a 10 minute bike ride/20 minute walk home for the kids. Kimberly's best friend walks home, so she 'gets' to bike ride home with Alicia and her good friend. Being such a wonderful younger sister that she is, Alicia speeds off with her bike before Kimberly can get her bike lock put away.

The only reason why Kimberly is stressed? "Mom - I HAVE to have a buddy to ride home with - the principal said!" She is very concerned about this even though I have assured her on numerous occasions that she is perfectly fine and safe riding home with the other gazillion kids that are headed home on their route. There is just no convincing her.

We'll see what other OCD characteristics develop over time. I'm hoping she gets the incessantly tidy one, but looking at her disaster-of-a-room right now, I'm not so sure that is going to happen.


The Heki Family said...

lol I'm afraid Heidi has got some of both CHris and my qualities of perfectionist in some ways. I wish we had more of the perfectionism in our rooms though. :) Sounds like Kimberly will be a good leader.

Linda said...

It's nice to hear she's concerned. Some kids just don't care.