Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back in Time

15 years ago was a year I will never forget. My sophomore year at Utah State University was spent with 5 of my bestest friends. Several of us became friends during my freshman year, so we all moved in together for my sophomore year. We had the time of our lives. We really had the best time together with Sunday dinners, outings out on the town, midnight hikes, study breaks walking down for Aggie ice-cream, and the list goes on and on. I even dragged them up to Seattle with me that year during our spring break (okay, real truth - they begged to come). Talk about good times.

We did a couple of reunions within the first five years of that fun year, but haven't done anything since. I've seen a few of them off and on over the years, but we decided it was due time to have a reunion again. With the exception of one, we were all able to get back together. You'll notice a blond gal that doesn't appear in the college pictures. She joined us my junior year, but of course by then I had googly eyes for John, so therefore, my camera did not get pulled out much.


15 Years Ago - 1995

Getting ready to head out on our Seattle road trip

One of many parties hosted at our apartment

One of the football games. Go Aggies!!

and the now infamous Cheerios picture. Most of you all know that I always have a bowl of Cheerios before going to bed (I am always starving before bed, and can never sleep with a starving stomach, therefore...Cheerios.) My roommates loved to tease me about this. One night I came out of my room and found these silly roommates all eating their own bowl of Cheerios. See - I told you they were the best roomies ever.


Denni said...

You look so young!! How fun. I'm glad you all got together over the past years. It's hard to keep in touch sometimes.

M. Nelson said...

I never thought the high-waisted pants of the 90's would never go out of style. I just couldn't see what problem anyone would ever have with them. And then I look a pictures from the era and realize we(I) are getting old because, sure enough, they have gone completely out of style.

It's a good thing friends never do go out of style though. I'm glad you were able to arrange a great reunion.

The Heki Family said...

How fun for you all. What great memories you have. THat's awesome! I agree...you look so young. :)

Linda said...

What a great friendship. Great memories never die. Glad you have them and glad you finally had eyes for John, because we sure are lucky to have you both1

Janell said...

I'm glad you were able to get together. That can be so hard to do sometimes.