Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cool Awards

This last weekend John received an awesome award - Commissioner of Scouting. There was an awards banquet and everything, to which we had a babysitter so I could be there too. John was conducting the event, so he went early to set up while I was at home getting ready to go when Natalie got really sick. I was quite saddened to miss out on the event as I really wanted to be there to cheer for him.

So while John was receiving a cool scouting award, I was receiving the cool mom award taking care of a sick kid.

Sometimes being a mom is like working in the trenches. The work is vital, but there aren't many awards handed out to the trench workers, who are up to their elbows in dirt and sweat. Eventually though, the trench is complete and we can step out, admire our work and reap the rewards, which is actually coming quicker than I expected.

Kimberly turns 10 this week, which to me is absolutely absurd when I think about how fast those 10 years have flown. In fewer than 10 more years, she will be spreading her wings away from our home. I look back and can honestly say becoming a mother has been one of my greatest joys in life.

Dana (in a much younger state) and Kimberly (5 months old) 2000

Yes, it is hard to put some dreams on hold to raise children. Yes, it is hard to have kids argue with you. Yes, it is hard to see your children struggle with sadness and frustration. I severely underestimated the emotional and physical aspects of becoming a parent, but truly the rewards far surpass all of the dirt and sweat.


Gail said...

So true! So true!
Motherhood is definitely worth it!
Most of the time ;)

Unknown said...

Oh I love that picture! Bailey asked me if you were Kimberly. lol

Allison said...

What do you mean Megan is your first fat baby? Look at that fatty baby. Kimberly had her some cheeks!

Nelson Nine said...


tweston said...

It's hard to believe Kimberly is almost 10! Oh boy. She is growing into quite the amazing young lady!

Janell said...

It's hard to believe that Kimberly is now in the double digits! Wow!

Tell John congratulations! We're great believers in scouting and are proud of his hard work.

Yours, too! Being a mom is definitely challenging! Such eternal rewards, though! :-)