Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Letter to a Long-Lost Friend

Dear Sleep,

Oh, how I've missed you. I am so sorry we haven't been together as much as we used to be. Know that I think of you incessantly and am looking forward to our soonest rendezvous. Please be patient with me. No, I am not seeing anyone else, but I have been tending to another one's sleep training, which is unfortunately riddled with feeding sessions every 2 to 3 hours - definitely not conducive to a deep slumber for you and I. Hopefully I will be able to join you before too long...

Your non-slumbering friend,


Smith Family said...

Hang in there!

Shannon Durocher said...

You are extremely talented with your writing. Oh, how I wish your skills would transcend to me. Teaching 3rd graders has changed my writing and speaking vocabulary level to primary words. I want to write like you!

Janell said...

Boy, does that bring back memories!

James and Katrina said...

That's so cute! Sorry you are not sleeping though! My day is coming...ahh! Can I copy that to my blog?

Nelson Nine said...

hahahaha. I am so past all that. Good luck!

Gail said...

That sounds all too familar. I too am missing one of MY best friends...sleep. We'll pull through together.