Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pregnancy Life

I am now just a few weeks shy of delivering this baby, although I must say unlike the last couple of times, I think I'm good just leaving her where she's at for now. We just have way too many fun things planned for the month of October to be interrupted! Luckily my pregnancy is going well and I only have a few unpleasant issues.

One of the more interesting side affects of my pregnancy are the vivid dreams. They start from the moment I become pregnant. I am fortunate to remember some of my dreams when I'm not pregnant, but they are usually somewhat blurry and only last in my memory for a few moments before flitting away back into dreamland. Not so with my pregnant dreams. Since I wake up numerous times throughout the night, I am in a dream world of sorts because everything seems so real and I can remember some of the dreams even months afterward.

This has been especially nice since my dad's death. He is in my dreams quite frequently, so it is now the only time I get to hear his voice and talk to him. I find it very peaceful and uplifting to have these few brief moments with him. In my dream last night, we were all together as a family again. I am so thankful for this small blessing and hope that somehow these dreams might be able to continue after the pregnancy ends.

I need to start getting out all the baby clothes and washing them soon so I won't be unprepared like I was with Alicia. When she came 3 weeks early, my sweet mother-in-law washed all of the baby clothes and blankets because they were still boxed up! Poor John had to pack my suitcase while I was in was hilarious trying to watch him figure out what I needed while I tried to remember how to breathe through the pain. I will make sure and get packed up ahead of time, but then it's a pain having to trip over a suitcase in the bedroom while waiting. On second thought John, I may have you pack for me again :)


James and Katrina said...

Very nice! Good for you to be nearing the end of your pregnancy. It will be fun to hear the news. What day are you due exactly?

Melissa said...

I was touched hearing you describe the dreams about your dad. I have had the same experience with my mom. It got a little complicated once my dad was remarried and in my dreams she'd actually come back to life and then it was a very complicated situation. Always nice to get those dream hugs.

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.

M. Nelson said...

What a nice benefit of pregnancy, to be able to be with your dad. I cannot wait to see little Megan!

Janell said...

I forgot the bag with the baby clothes and blanket when I had Marian. Ken was supposed to bring it to the hospital the day we took her home but he forgot. Marian went home wrapped in Ken's corduroy coat. :-)