We also went to the Davis Fair as a family this week. Kimberly entered her bug collection she has been working on for a year now. She was hoping she would get a blue ribbon, so in typical mom-like fashion, I told her that a lot of people entered stuff and so she may just get a participation ribbon...blah, blah - you know, trying to help my daughter be prepared for disappointment, just in case. My lecture was unneeded however because she got a first place ribbon for her entry. How exciting!
You should have seen the poor lady that entered all her information when we dropped off Kimberly's entry. She opened up the box lid to see what exactly was inside, and about did a flip back in her chair as she slapped the lid back down and informed us that she hates bugs. It still makes me chuckle thinking about her reaction. I hate bugs too, but for the love of my daughter my attitude has changed. In fact, I saw the coolest stink bug on my hike last night and wished I had an empty jar on hand so I could take it back to Kimberly. Boy, times sure have changed because that definitely would not have been in my thought processes over a year ago!
Times have definitely changed! Not too long ago, there would have been no way on this green earth that rodents or bugs would be allowed in the freezer. Now we have a 3 mo. supply of "bird food" storage. Now to bump that to a year's supply...
I am with that poor lady! I hate bugs! But, I am so excited for Kimberly! A blue ribbon is VERY exciting!
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