Sunday, August 25, 2013


Natalie and a couple of her friends in our new neighborhood decided to do a lemonade stand last week.  Great idea I thought, that is until I discovered the only somewhat lemonadey thing we had in the house was the canned fruit juice mix from our food storage (might I just say we are discovering many interesting things about our food storage, but that is for another posting...). 

We mixed it up, took some sips, and wasn't very tasty.  It was too late to convince the girls not to pursue the stand, especially since they'd already made their signs and put out the table and chairs. 

So, they sat out here for about an hour and much to my surprise, garnered a lot of business.  I felt slightly guilty that they were serving not-so-tasty drinks, and many of the folks even paid triple the asking price, which did nothing good for the guilt factor, that is until church today. 

I had one of the senior ladies in the ward - someone I hadn't yet met - who told me how thrilled she was to see the lemonade stand with the cute girls.  Apparently its been awhile since she has seen a lemonade stand in our neighborhood.  She admitted to just paying the girls without even bothering with the lemonade - she was just happy to help out with their business!

Guilt - Gone. 

Besides, it was fun watching how excited the girls were when they came in to show me how much money they made - nearly $12! 


1 comment:

M. Nelson said...

Cute! Addie's been begging to do one, but we're tucked back in a dead end. I don't think she'd make anywhere near $12. Plus I don't have anything that even resembles lemonade in food storage! But then from the sounds of it, her patrons might appreciate that! ;)