Friday, August 2, 2013

Here goes...

Given our new furloughed status, amongst thousands of others in our same shoes, we are experiencing a 20 percent pay cut with each paycheck for the next several months.  At first I didn't think that was very much, until I took our tithing amount and timed it by two, then it was a much larger number.
So, we experienced our first dinner this week from our food storage. First, we had to dig all of those boxes out of the garage, but once we found them, we hit the payload. 
Many years ago, I was inspired by our prophets' counsel to build a 3-month food storage.  I didn't think we would ever need it, but thought it would be better to be safe than sorry. 
I can now say, I am so grateful we heeded the wise counsel.  In our storage I found spaghetti sauce, spaghetti noodles, and apple slices - quite tasty, we all decided. 
Next up on the list is a delicious soup mix I found in food storage boxes, intermingled with some great coupon deals I have found this week. 
Yes, I have begun couponing - purely out of necessity.  We shall see how successful I am at it.  It takes a lot of skill I've decided, but I will master it!


Nelson Nine said...

Follow the Prophet--He knows the way. Good luck with everything!

Linda said...

You need to contact Cammeran. She is a real coupon queen. Turley says she can even get things brought to her door. Good luck