Monday, August 5, 2013

The Usual Pilgrimage up North

Again, we made it up to Bear Lake for our annual Rimington tradition this weekend.  It is something we look forward to every year.  We always leave early Saturday morning and zip on up, only this year, there was a slight snag to the plans as we were all trekking up Logan Canyon. 

Just 20 cars ahead of us as we neared the top, a really serious car wreck occurred.  Since the car was  completely totaled and sitting in the middle of the road, the entire highway was closed while we waited for the slew of emergency vehicles to make their way up from Logan.  Not too long after they showed up, a rescue helicopter landed right in the middle of the road.

At first, it seemed like a huge annoyance to be held up in the canyon taking away from our time up at Bear Lake.  Since we were all following each other up, all of the Rimington clan was held up for over an hour.

When we saw the seriousness of the situation though, the annoyance gave way to gratitude that our day hadn't been ruined with one of us being seriously injured.   

While we waited, we trooped over a hill to find a potty spot- amongst other women doing the same thing, then we hopped on the jet skis and got some practicing time in.

We finally made it to the beach, and had a blast for the rest of the day with all the cousins...

Only 363 days until next year's Bear Lake fun.
...and just for fun, here is me while chilling during the Rimington clan photo session yesterday at City Creek Park in Salt Lake City, all cleaned up after the day of lake fun.  It was pretty funny listening to mom remind all of us regularly to put sunscreen on our faces so we wouldn't look like lobsters in the family pictures. 

See?  I don't look a day over 30, right?  I am in denial about the fact that my 40th birthday is looming closer and closer.  ick.

1 comment:

M. Nelson said...

Bear Lake was so much fun this year! Great times!

PS--Hubba, Hubba.