Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Fun

Merry Christmas to all of you! We had a lovely day, even with church smack-dab in the middle of our normal day's festivities. We did stockings and strings at 7 a.m. before getting ready for our 9 a.m. church, then came home and unwrapped the presents from under the tree.

The three older girls all got scooters at the end of their string. Alicia captured all of their emotions - can you say, pure bliss?

We have not allowed scooters for the girls because we thought they were slightly dangerous. we still think that, but after one broken back from sledding, a crazy bike crash, and considering the fact that our girls are already riding all of their friends' scooters on a daily basis anyway, it was time to get them their own. They may be the only ones wearing helmets while riding scooters in the neighborhood, but that was our one concession to allowing them to ride the things.

This cute gal got a wiggle car at the end of her string. You see that sucker bottle in her hand? She would not let go of it and sucked on it ALL day (other than church and her nap). I think it was her most favorite present.

The RC cars we got all 4 girls were a hit. They've been racing them almost non-stop for two days now.

We have been really slow this year getting to some of our traditions, including gingerbread houses. We did them on Christmas Eve, then proceeded on to the Layton park lights for our usual Christmas Eve night activity.

Now this week we will be focusing on recuperating, sleeping in, consuming yummy Christmas treats, NOT exercising or dieting, avoiding the after-Christmas shopping, and most of all for John and I...NOT working (that is, I hope I don't get a call from my editor this week...I'm taking a self-imposed vacation).

**slight addendum** John has just reminded me that we are all working on the basement this week. It is coming along nicely with John all done with hanging dry wall in Kimberly's room - this week he will be hanging dry wall in the den area, and it sounds like I get to help mud up Kimberly's room. Should be fun, right?

Happy Holidays to you all! Thanks for reading our blog. I sure enjoy reading all of yours. I am especially thankful for technology that allows us to keep in touch with family and friends nowadays. We thoroughly enjoyed Skyping with most of our family members yesterday - it was a gift in and of itself being able to see and chat with family as if we were sitting in the same room together.

Love, the Rimingtons

1 comment:

JRim said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas!