Friday, November 11, 2011

My New Bed Partner

I am appalled that I have let my blog lapse almost two weeks without a new blog post! Truthfully though, things have been pretty ordinarily normal around here with not too many new things to report. I am still writing stories for the local newspaper, still helping out the girls with their homework, still cleaning the house, and then cleaning the house some more after the kids follow behind me the first time around destroying anything and everything I've just picked up or cleaned.

I am also in the midst of trying to determine Christmas presents. I am shocked at how quickly the season is encroaching upon me and know if I don't get a handle on our gift plans soon, I will be drowning in seasonal fluff before I know it.

These last couple of weeks, though normal and more of the same-old, same-old, I have discovered I have a new bed-friend. John is on my right, and my heating pad lays ever-so-lovingly on my left. Now that my twenties have evaded me not-so-kindly, I have to accept my new fate: sore and aching body parts by the end of the day just waiting for me to acknowledge their pestering presence.

I dutifully ignore them until I finally slumber into my bed, at which point, they cannot be ignored any further. They adore my attention and longingly ache for my heating pad to soothe their troubles away so I can enter the dreamy sleep-filled world.

This being the month of Thanksgiving, I give thanks to my family, of course, and now, I also give thanks to my blessedly warm heating pad that helps me get to sleep pain-free before getting up in the morning in order to face a whole new set of aches that will begin forming during the day - I know they are just waiting to have a visit with my warm bed-mate each night.


Janell said...

I'm afraid those aches and pains creep up on the best of us!

Nelson Nine said...

You go clear through your twenties without the heating pad? Good for you!