I was thinking that I love blogging about my adventures, but I've decided I would like to blog on occasion about my thoughts, you know, those ramblings that occur in your head that you don't ever say out loud. So feel free to peruse through my more thoughtier blogs if you so desire, but by no means will I be offended if you skip over them (not that I'd ever know, really).
I loved being in my 20s. I liked my bod, my hair, my face, everything really, that is until a few years ago when gals started moving into my neighborhood that I thought looked about my age. Come to find out, I am a mere 10 years older (and now even more than that for the even newer newcomers).
Sadly, I started reassessing my real age and the fact that my skin was no longer as taut looking as it was back then. I really did believe that in my 20s, I would be happy and love turning the older ages - of course I wouldn't complain like all of those other 30 and 40-somethings who were always griping about some body issue that wasn't the same anymore. I would be happy to be alive, no griping from me, no-siree bob.
That is, until I hit 29 and three-quarters and the looming 30th birthday was skidding my way. I was not the happy camper I had envisioned in earlier years. I got the uncomfortable blues about my age and started examining my face and discovered the nitty gritty that I had been denying for the months previous. I began to take inventory of the dark age spots that had begun forming on my face, the crinkles that were just starting to make themselves known between my eyebrows, and the less-than perky looking skin that used to glow at an earlier date.
I was not happy. whatsoever. I set up an appointment with a dermatologist to find out how to make those horrid age spots disappear. He gave me the unpleasant news: not a single over-the-counter product would work removing those spots, no matter how much those advertisers try to tell you otherwise and the only stuff that would work was some crazy-expensive small bottle of miracle spot remover. Of course, if I wanted to try and buy it from Canada, it might be a little less expensive he told me. Now, things might have changed since then - this was 6 years ago, but I seriously doubt it.
Though I was seriously considering buying the stuff just so I could feel better about myself, that is until he told me the next unpleasant bit: no using the stuff while pregnant. We were thinking about getting pregnant at the time, so out the window went that idea.
I went home and found some great {expensive} make-up that I bought for my birthday, and that seemed to do the trick for awhile, until I realized a short while ago that without even realizing it, I slowly stopped worrying about the age spots. I quietly stopped saying hello to my forehead crinkle lines every morning, and I stopped squishing my pudgy gut that has been looming ever since my first baby, and no matter how many sit-ups, diet plans, or exercise plans I have done, 11 years later, I still have an extra friend around my waist keeping me company. But really, I have come to accept my fate and am finally happy with myself - age spots and all.
I can't say what the magic formula for coming to this conclusion was, only that it took some time, it took a smashing of sadness for loosing the younger-version of me, but eventually that sadness dissipated without even saying good bye to me, until I realized belatedly that it was gone.
Now, I'm not saying I won't go through this again when the grey-hair fairy starts sprinkling her magic on my head, but until then, I like this feeling, so I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
That's all for now.