Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Apple of My Eye, Quite Literally

So, for mother's day, I was thinking how my kids are definitely the apple of my eye, only this particular mother's day, I do believe the apple left behind one of its apple seeds, leaving a nice little crater in my eye.

Thinking it was just a painful scratch in my eye last night, turned into a massively painful, red, and swollen eye this morning. I desperately called my optometrist, who thankfully had an emergency phone number and graciously met me over at his office early Sunday morning. It was definitely an emergency indeed, because I could barely open my eye this morning due to a cornea ulcer. Who knew such thing even existed? Apparently for contact wearers, it happens on occasion.

Well, thanks to some lovely, and rather expensive prescription drops, my eye feels a titch better and on the road to recovery.

I know, happy mother's day to me, huh :) I am extremely thankful though for good doctors and good medicine. I'm glad I wasn't a pioneer mother.


Nelson Nine said...

Ow! Sounds not fun. Glad you are healing up okay.

Nelson Nine said...

Holy Cow Dana! I just finished reading some of your stories. You are amazing! How do you get it all done?! My hats off to you!

The Heki Family said...

owie! I am assuming John drove you to the eye doctor?