Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom

I have a confession to make. Something I have been too ashamed to do anything about for some time. Okay, if we're being honest here, which I am, I will confess that it has actually been a problem for the last 10 years (did I really just write that out loud?).

I can't be too hard on myself because really, it happens to the best of us.

In fact, a few of you might be experiencing the same problem as I. Come on now, join with me as we proceed to count all of the t-shirts in our closets. That's right, my everyday wardrobe consists solely of t-shirts and jeans. I have become the classical stay-at-home mom in whatever is comfiest. I may venture out and buy a different color, or even - gasp - a v-neck or two, but really, my shirts are all the same.

I have decided my current clothing status has not been due to lack of interest - trust me, every time John and I have a hot date, I stare at my less-than-impressive choices and wish I had something a little more classy to wear. It really boils down to two things: cost and wearability (you know, comfyness). First off, boring t-shirts frankly cost less than their fancy counterparts. When I only get claim to our clothing budget every few months - now that four girls seem to have taken over that budget category - I am usually trying to get the most for my buck, so enter a few t-shirts into the equation and I'm good to go.

My friend suggested I try shopping at Ross, where they have a lot of designer shirts (aka more fancy) for a fraction of their normal cost. I reluctantly drove by my favorite clothing stores to give Ross a try last night since this month I finally had access to the clothing budget - all of it - which is due cause for celebration because miraculously, nary a girl is in immediate need of tights, pants, or shoes. I figured I better run as fast as I could to use my budget before someone even sounded the ouch word when it came to their digits getting scunched in too-small shoes or unwittingly getting a a hole in yet another pair of pants.

Upon entering the store, I retrieved a cart and proceeded to the women's shirt section, where to my surprise I found quite a few options I liked, all for around $10 a piece! I began filling my cart with options because I decided I was going to be bold and try on stylish pieces I may not have normally considered. Before I knew it, I had about 40 shirts in the cart (no really, I'm not kidding). I decided I better go try them on and widdle my selection down to a more manageable number (you know, like 5, so I wouldn't have to obliterate the grocery budget for the month too while I was at it).

Surprisingly, I fell in love with 6 very stylish shirts, all within my budget (a few of the shirts were even priced at $7, money savings to my happy wallet) and they are NOT t-shirts! At first, I was a little unsure if this find -

- would even look good on, but wa-la, it looks very stylin', don't you think?

and this one...

and these ...

okay, so maybe this one looks more t-shirty than the others, but see the cool design on the bodice? Hard to tell in the picture, but definitely un-t-shirt like.

and sadly, I may be regretting this shirt choice because every time I have put it on since coming home, it feels strangely like a maternity shirt with the flowing front area. I may have to rethink my decision on this one - good thing the tag is still on.

and for my hot date on Friday night with my fabulously hot husband, this sexy number...

(okay, so the date only consists of dinner out, but still, a hot date nonetheless).

Now it is on to buying new swimming suits and spring clothes for the girls in the upcoming months. By the time John and I catch a glimpse of the the clothing budget again, which given summer clothes and new school clothes and shoes after that, probably won't be until November, perhaps it will have been long enough for me to talk John into getting a purple tie and shirt. Not counting my eggs before they hatch though.


Denni said...

I know this sounds crazy but DI everyonce and a while has super cute tops for about 4.00. Let's go shopping. I have this issue too

April said...

So cute! Good job Dana!

Gail said...

Great choices! And I love that you modeled cute!
T-shirt and jeans - what would us moms be without them - changing our clothes every hour because someone goobered us again with their sticky fingers, running nose or worse...diaper malfunctions!

You've sparked an upcoming post for me I can tell.

Allison said...

Good for you Dana! Going out on a limb. I love Ross but alas I NEVER have a clothing budget. :) And just so you know, I noticed the change of shirt when you came to pick Natalie up from play group on Wed. I thought of asking you if you had somewhere to go that day because it wasn't your usual. It looked great!

Anonymous said...

I totally love Ross! Ours closed due to unsafe building...but I love how they arrange the clothes and the prices can't be beat! You found some great shirts that look great on you! Nice Job!

Nelson Nine said...

Okay, this one really made me laugh. So true--try 25 years of t-shirts and jeans (can I confess that I love them?) Great choices and you look so good in them too. John won't know what his him! You go girl! I say that as I sit here in my essentials tshirt that the airport gave me when they lost our luggage. haha

The Heki Family said...

I am in the same boat. I have many cute skirts but no nice shirts to go with them. You just aren't supposed to wear t-shirts with skirts. :( I guess I need to venture to Ross. Hey we should go together next time. Wouldn't that be fun? OH, by the way, I love the blue one for your hot date. Hey, you also look so skinny! Good job!