Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Goes Up, Must Come Down

We had friends over the other day and enjoyed several activities with them - including John's famous water bottle rockets. We have been doing them for years and have even had people borrow the rocket launcher because they are so much fun. That is until this particular day. John and the girls spent a good while making their rockets with fins and all. Then John added the new design for this balls to make the rockets go higher. Well, they certainly made the rockets go higher. Take a look...

All was going really well at first and we were having a great time, as usual. Not as much fun was the one rogue rocket that went really high, then fell really hard onto our neighbor's car, inflicting a nasty dent. A call to the dent fixing people was in order for us.
Not to be deterred, we still had a good time afterwards making "dirt", a dessert classic at our house and then enjoying some smores at our new fire pit.

For some strange reason, my blog isn't letting me format the pictures the way I want, so you get them in one big jumble above. You're probably wondering about the picture with Kimberly and the bird. She found a cute little baby bird that keeps falling out of it's nest. Before we put it back in it's rightful home, Kimberly fed it some worms. It grossed me out, but it was sure cute to see the bird clicking it's little beak open and shut begging for more worms.

1 comment:

Linda said...

It looks like you're having a really fun summer.