Saturday, February 22, 2014

Messing Around. Again.

I've been playing around with the camera again.
 I had a dentist appointment last week, which just so happens to be right next to a cool park.

It was a beautiful, sunny day - in the high 40s, low 50s, so Megan and I took advantage of it and spent some time there while my teeth fluoridated themselves.

While there, I pulled out my new camera, which I now take everywhere with me now that I have a cool purse with a cool cushion thing inside to protect the camera, and started snapping away.

I really like this photography thing.
During our photography class, our teacher told us the best thing we could do was get the camera out as often as possible and start practicing. So I shall.
 ...and did while I was down in Salt Lake City a couple of nights ago for Alicia's headache study she is participating in at Primary Children's Hospital, but that is for another posting.
Until then, you can enjoy this play dough creation of Kimberly's I found on my camera - looks like Kimberly has been enjoying the new camera too :)


M. Nelson said...

Awesome pictures. And Kimberly's rose is amazing. She's very talented!

tweston said...

I am slightly jealous of your camera. And I agree with Marian - Kim's rose is awesome!

Nelson Nine said...

I want your camera! That rose is awesome. Maybe she can make her wedding bouquet like Tammy!