Thursday, February 27, 2014

Job Promotion?

I just discovered today that I am now writing for two newspapers.
Unbeknownst to me until I checked out one of my recent stories, I now have two different bylines.
Dana Rimington, Standard Examiner correspondent, and now,
Drum Roll Please...
Dana Rimington, Hilltop Times correspondent
I took pictures of the event, but for some reason they aren't showing up on the website yet.
Anyway, Hill Air Force Base has their own newspaper that originally had their own editor and correspondents. I just learned that they are now under the Standard-Examiner umbrella, meaning that my editor is now editor of the Hilltop Times, and therefore, recruits us correspondents to cover the stories.
I just so happen to be the lucky one who keeps getting calls for these stories (I have another one this weekend) because I have a spouse pass since John works on base, therefore, the high-up military folks on base don't have to go through the whole rigmarole of getting me sponsored to get on base since I've already been thoroughly background-checked and every other process they have you go through to get one of those spouse passes.
Oh, and I almost forgot, I am now a sports correspondent as well.
I know all of you who know me well are laughing at this development as I know so Very, Very little about sports, but that is the glory of being a journalist. You get to ask A LOT of questions for your story under the guise of making sure your readers understand what you are talking about.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Congratulations! It's nice to know the best journalist around.