Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's about time.

We are now back to being a one-mortgage-owning family...the old Layton house is no longer ours!!  Now to pay off the last of the utility bills for the place and then we can finish off the basement here.  Didn't we just do something along those lines? Anyway, sadly, I forgot to take pictures of our celebratory dinner out on Friday - we enjoyed some delicious seafood. 

Now that we don't have to worry about going back to the old house for repairs, cleaning, weeding, removing the bird house, etc. I could finally turn my attention to our yard.  I spent several glorious hours in the beautiful sunshine yesterday weeding, trimming bushes, and...remember those acorns?  I swept them up.  I enjoyed the acorn-free deck and patio for about 3 seconds before the acorns started falling again. 

The girls and I played Frisbee in the backyard and then we all enjoyed an impromptu fire pit and roasting of marshmallows in the crisp evening air.  Again, no pics - too busy enjoying ourselves.

I did get some shots of the girls making swings at the neighbors house yesterday.  The fabric ones were nice, but the owner of the house (a 95-year-old gentleman) felt sorry for the girls (his granddaughter was visiting for the weekend) and got out his crazy long ladder, rope, and put a real swing up with some rope he had laying around and some of our extra pieces of wood.   

Now we just need to buy some rope to set one up in our yard - we've found the perfect branch, and we'll definitely need to borrow the neighbor's extra-long ladder. 

1 comment:

Nelson Nine said...

Congrats on selling your house. Can,t wait to see the new one in person.