Monday, November 26, 2012

Need a litte Testosterone?

Since we're talking about John and his all-girl situation, I think someone above feels like John could use a little break from all the hormonal drama.  Yes, after 3 years of serving in the primary - which John loved and is very sad to be leaving - John now has a new calling. Care to take a guess?  I'll even give you a hangman-like hint:

___  ___  ___  ___  ___     ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

Scout master it is.  All of his boys he had as cubs when he was cub master are now in his scout troop.  The boys and their families are thrilled.  John, well, not-so-thrilled about all the camping, but he is excited to be working with the boys again.


Glenna said...

what a perfect calling

Nelson Nine said...

What a smart Bishop. He knows what he is doing. Congrats to Alicia. I actually was trying to talk our activity day leaders into this. My girls have always been so jealous.