Monday, November 19, 2012

John's First 'Official' Pinewood Derby

As you know, John has participated in nearly a gazillion cub scout pinewood derbies during his 10-year tenure as cubmaster, and spent every one of those with his garage open to any dads or boys that needed help.  He has spent countless hours helping others with their pinewood derby cars, but had not had the chance to work on a pinewood derby with any of his kids due to the all-daughter factor.

All of that changed this month when our ward hosted an achievement day Father/Daughter pinewood derby activity.  To say John and Alicia were thrilled was a serious understatement.  They spent weeks working on their car together.  John let Alicia design the car, sand the car, and nearly every aspect of the car work, aside from some cutting that John did to avoid any finger mutilations. 

 Her car did well, but didn't place.  They really built it for looks, not necessarily for speed.  She did get the Best of Show award, and she was thrilled. 

Now it is in prime location in Alicia's room, and both she and John are hoping the primary decides to make it an annual event. 

1 comment:

Delores said...

Looks great! What a fun activity.