Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wedded Bliss

We shared in the wedded bliss of Tamara (John's youngest sister) and Conley last Saturday. They just so happen to share our anniversary :)

 So, happy 17th anniversary to us, and happy day 1 anniversary to this cute couple:

The brothers always plan something fun for the weddings, so here is Tammy's:


She did say she wanted us in orange :) Sad that John isn't in the picture - he is one of the head honchos at NYLT that started on Saturday, so he was able to make it for the wedding, but not for the reception.

Here's all the cute granddaughters in the darling skirts Aunt Marian made for them:

And on the way home, we had to stop and enjoy the beautiful sunset. Love, love Utah sunsets.

There is one last bit of information I want to share as well, totally unrelated to wedded bliss, but so cool, I just have to share. I got a call today from one of the gals I did a story about at Hill Air Force Base. She wanted to know if I could email her the link to my story so she could send it to her boss at the PENTAGON!

Yes, that's right, my very first story to have entered the Pentagon premises. SO Cool. Speaking of Hill stories, I am covering a bunch of stuff for the upcoming air show next Saturday, which you should all attend, those who are in the vicinity. I am currently on the very long list of reporters that want one of the 6 media seats for a couple of their practice flights. Yes, that's all media in the valley, so I highly doubt I will get on, but one can hope, right :)

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