Saturday, June 28, 2014

Seriously, Something You've Probably Never, Ever Seen Up Close

See anything unusual?
Here you go...
We found this hummingbird nest attached to our next-door neighbors' Christmas lights, and only because he pointed it out to us. So cool, huh. We have never, ever seen a hummingbird nest before.

 In fact, I haven't ever seen a hummingbird sit that still for so long. So cool. Really. really. cool.

In other news, Alicia visited Primary Children's ER this week for her headache that has lasted for 3 1/2 weeks. They hooked her up to and IV and doped her up with what they call a migraine cocktail, and her headache went from a pain level four down to a one. By the time we got home, and she slept it off, it was down to a .5 pain headache. We're still working to get that down to zero, but it's better than the 4.

Sadly, she has been dealing with chronic headaches and migraines now for over a year. We just cannot get them licked. We are working with a neurosurgeon at Primary Children's, and we started a treatment plan last November that worked for several months and we were thrilled, but then it stopped working a couple of months ago, so she attended an eight-week long headache study at primary children's, which helped a little, but a couple months ago, the headaches were still in full swing, so we're onto the next treatment plan in hopes it will work, but if not, they have a plan c, d, and e, basically turning over one stone at a time to see which one is hiding the magic cure.

We and her doctor are hopeful we will find something that will work. In the meantime, she has lots of good headache and migraine medicine to try and treat them as they come along, and worst-case scenario, there is always the migraine cocktail.



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