Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lagoon - It's where the fun is

So my friends, I get to work at Lagoon. Now you know, working at Lagoon has never been a dream of mine, but getting season's passes for my oh-so-bored kids during the summer will be fun, so therefore, I get to do a teeny-boppers job of loading up kids onto the upside-downy Colossus Fire Dragon roller coaster for 8 hours, for a total of 9 days during the parks school days.

Yup, that's a total of 72 hours all for my kids.

The girls owe me. BIG time.

My kids are already asking me to make sure I do this every year.

We'll see how it goes. I may not ever want to see or hear Lagoon noises at the end of the two-weeks.

In other fun, we've been catching these in our backyard...

WARNING: the picture is graphic:

No kidding, we have a rat haven in our backyard. Granted, we are next to the mountains and a huge several-acre park behind our house, so this is probably their territory, but still. They must go.

Kimberly is getting really good at resetting the traps after each kill. We're up to 7 rats in the last 2 days, and counting...

1 comment:

M. Nelson said...

Disgusting! I bet your bird is happy though.

PS--Go Lagoon!