Monday, October 28, 2013

Still Going...

The leaves are relentless here!!
After spending several hours Saturday afternoon raking, we got a whole new crew of dead leaves in the yard on Sunday.
The kids weren't complaining - they just raked up more leaves into a huge leaf pile and enjoyed themselves.

And on a total side note, I had a brief foray into broadcast journalism last week.  I showed up to a story, where the videographer told me I needed to be in front of the camera asking my questions.  Good thing I didn't show up in my exercise clothes and hat, like I'm known to do for some of my early-morning stories.  I get a good chuckle watching because I am so out of my comfort zone!  I much prefer being behind the scenes. 

If you want to check it out and giggle along with me, click here and it will bring up the video:


Linda said...

Way to go Dana!
You look great! You did a terrific
job. Keep up the great work. If you want to come and rake more leaves, I have plenty.

Linda said...

This sounds so fun. I didn't know you were in the young women's, so is Janell.

It will be nice to see you. Loved the pictures.

Linda said...

Some way my comment to Karen turned up on your blog too. Crazy!