Monday, October 21, 2013

October Fun

We've had a fun month with lots of activities. 
We made it up to the Rimingtons for the annual Halloween Party. 

The grandkids:

We celebrated Megan's 4th birthday. 

For the first time ever, I was caught without candles, so Alicia rescued us with her stomach-looking candle she made at school. 

 Kimberly and Alicia offered to make her cake - their version of the Little Mermaid. 
It turned out way cute, and I didn't have to do it - Bonus!

We enjoyed the Black Island Farms again, this time with Justin, Heather and Teagen.   

Don't these two brothers look oh-so-comfy? 


 Horsing around at the farm.

Kimberly earned her Young Women's Medallion, a really big deal, having spent 80 hours working on projects.  It is the LDS Young Women's version of an Eagle Scout. 

John and I also had a fun last -minute getaway weekend last Friday night, thanks to loving family willing to take on our crew.  Alas, no pictures, but suffice it to say, it was a much-needed relaxing weekend up in Ogden Canyon. 


Nelson Nine said...

Wow! her young womanhood medalion already! What are you super Mom or something. And yes I echo the youngest child sentiment.

M. Nelson said...

A stomach candle! LOL! Now THAT is something for the memory books!

Congrats, Kimberly!