Sunday, April 21, 2013

This 'n' That

This is what a real astronaut looks like up close. 
  This is what true sister love looks like.

 ...including a sisterly kiss.  Megan may be smiling, but afterwards, Megan swiped her arm across her cheek, with a vehement 'eewww'. 
Apparently, the love only goes so far.  
This is a married couple out clubbing it for the night.
(Perhaps one of the few that were drinking soda with no alcoholic additions)
We decided to be adventurous this weekend and after dinner out with some friends, we checked out a jazz club in Ogden where 94-year-old jazz legend Joe McQueen was playing some fabulous jazz tunes with his band.  We will definitely be heading back again because we had so much fun.  
John and I were both in jazz bands in high school (me on the good old ivory keys, and John with his tenor sax), and John often listens to the local jazz station on the radio, so it was right up our alley.  In fact, we've always talked about wanting to find a good jazz club, and are thrilled to have finally found one.   
If you are wondering - yes, we are Mormon, and yes, this was technically a bar, but it was classy, and with the open-air act, smoking wasn't allowed, and the atmosphere was great because it was all older people our age and up (aka, drinking responsibly - no crazy drunks from what we could tell).  One of the best parts was getting to visit with the eclectic folks sitting around us. 
That was our last several days.  Now onto a new week.

1 comment:

M. Nelson said...

Cute girls!

I was looking online just today about a place where you can take a paint class together for a date night. I've never thought much about learning to paint, but it sounded like fun and something different from the typical dinner and a movie. I also found a place where you can make pottery on a pottery wheel. I wonder how many couples try and reenact that scene from Ghost? That would be awkward. Now that Owen is old enough to be left, we need to start going out again. Its important. Glad you had fun.