Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring Break - Day One

Spring Break ensued this week, and might I just say first off that spring break without the need for naps, strollers, diapers, or copious amounts of toddler snacks while out and about is a luxurious spring break indeed.
We started off the rainy week with a trip to the dollar movies to see Rise of the Guardians.
It was delightful sitting and listening to the girls laugh away, and to have Megan sit for the entire movie, completely enthralled. We have reached a new milestone in our lives folks.  Time to celebrate. 

We were not celebrating however when we arrived home to the smell of these cookies that sat roasting themselves into oblivion in the oven I left on (and cookies left in) while we enjoyed the movie, blissfully unaware of our home being put in danger. 

So glad the cookie gods decided to keep them sun bathing a little longer without bursting into smoke or flames. 

We had a delightful day today as well, but I am too pooped to write about it, so you'll get part two later this week.  Until then, the couch and my good book are calling out to me. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Kaysville Theater. We don't have a dollar theater out here which is a huge bummer!