Monday, August 3, 2009

A Big Girl Now?

Natalie thinks she is a big girl now. For the past several weeks, I have witnessed my little girl turning into a stripper of sorts as every time I turn around, she has taken off her diaper and clothes in favor of running around the house in the nude. On occasion, she has seen fit to try and balance precariously on top of the toilet claiming poop is on the way.

John and some friends insist she is ready to be potty trained. As Natalie has just barely turned two, I am still a little leery of potty training so early, so against my better judgment, I let them talk me into into pulling out the potty frog. I decided to just set it up in the bathroom and see what happened.

Last Thursday, Alicia came downstairs in the morning to inform me that Natalie had peed in the potty frog. Frankly, I didn't believe her, but decided to check it out anyway just in case. Low and behold, Natalie had done a yellow number in the pot! We celebrated with a treat, then I resumed my normal day. Two days later, Kimberly came down to inform me that Natalie had peed in the toilet after her prompting. The same thing happened today with Alicia this time inviting Natalie into the potty when Alicia needed to go.

I now have a new potty training technique: I am simply going to hand the task over the Kimberly and Alicia :) They seem to get a kick out of it, so why stop the train now? Maybe Natalie will be potty trained before they start school! If not, I may be stuck with the unpleasant task.


Gail said...

You just may get out of the whole potty training thing all together.
I always said I was going to let Emma and Aaron potty train Rebekah, simply because they get so much more excited about it. The trouble I ran into with that - the kids are not consistent. Sometimes they want to train and other times they want to watch their favorite show.

Janell said...

I trained more than one at Natalie's age. (John was one of them.) If they're ready, it's wonderful!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmm barely2, love to make her tight litle arse mine