Sunday, August 10, 2014


A few months ago, I was asked by the bishop in my church ward to accept a new calling, that of serving with our youth group, specifically the 12 and 13-year-old young women. To say that I was not excited was an understatement. I have never been one who has desired to serve with the youth. I have been happily serving away in primary (the young children), and in Relief Society (the women in the ward). Well, with four girls, I knew my time would probably come to serve with the youth, and the time has come.

I have been teaching Sunday lessons hear and there to these girls, and have slowly been warming up to the opportunity, however, three weeks ago was the week-long girls camp, and guess what that meant? I was asked to participate. Not that I don't mind camping, because I actually enjoy camping. I  just wasn't necessarily looking forward to the week with a group of young women.

I actually was trying to think of ways to get out of it, up until about two days before hand when the three of us - Kim, Alicia, and me, set off to buy our camp supplies. We actually had a lot of fun together, and I slowly began looking forward to the adventure.

I was not disappointed. I had a wonderful time with these gals -

So much fun, that I sure as heck didn't take a lot of pictures.

Thanks to these pictures taken by the other leaders.
Here I am with a couple of the leaders on a hike we checked out for the girls, which sadly we weren't able to do because we got rained out.

Oh, I just realized I have a treat for your eyes - us leaders and the bishopric rocking it to Shania Twain's "Up!" during the evening skit program.

Uh, if you couldn't tell, that's me in the middle with one of Natalie's dress-ups I found the day before camp. I was a tad envious of Hope's cat suit there to the right. As the story goes, she bought it when she was 13-years -old for her sister's bridal lingerie shower, thinking cat pajamas would work out perfectly for her sister. She wasn't surprised when her sister gave them right back to her.
I digress.
The best part about camp?
Spending time with these lovelies: 


It dawned on me mid-week that I have been placed in this calling for several reasons, one of them being the opportunity to be with my girls in a setting away from the typical ones we experience at home. I will forever cherish these memories, and as John predicted, I have come to like this calling (not yet at the love stage, but at least I'm past the complete dislike - progress folks).

1 comment:

Nelson Nine said...

I hear you on the YW thing. I too never desired to serve there but was so disappointed when they released me. Loved the girls!