Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Meldrum Reunion

During the Meldrum Reunion, we hiked up to Timpanogos Caves with several of my extended Meldrum cousins:

We had a blast, even if it was a difficult hike up.
We had so much fun visiting and getting to know one another better.
Megan was a real trooper, surviving only because she knew another bench would be just around another corner. 
Here's some other random pictures from the hike:
(All of the pictures are thanks to my cousin Martha, because we accidently left our camera back at the cabin we were staying at)

 Back at the reunion, it was a fun-filled several days with all of these guys:
I love the Meldrums, and am so glad we have started doing these reunions every few years.

We did lots of visiting and catching up.

Me and my cousin Martha.
 Natalie playing Stratego, getting good strategy advice from one of her cousins.
 My brother, Brice, and brother-in-law Mike during our skit.
They were Hil-ar-i-ous.

It was rainy and thunder stormy one of the nights, but the kids still liked riding their scooters around.
Best thing I packed in the car to keep the kids busy.
I am already looking forward to the next reunion scheduled in three years.

1 comment:

M. Nelson said...

That's great! We need to hike that sometime. I forgot about the caves. It is a tough hike. But it's tradition!