Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January Blahs? Not Here.

John got Rhea trained up enough to take out to some bigger fields.  Since the fields he has been taking her to the last couple of years is now getting filled with houses, we had to find a new location.
I like to think she enjoys stretching her wings on her weekend flights.
Not to mention the fun it is for us watching her careen across the field and listening to her wing tips slicing through the wind as she aims for her food.  It is truly fascinating.
We were asked to do a family home evening at the local senior center, so we took Rhea.
Suffice it to say, we were told it has been their best family night to date, with the most interest from the residents and the most questions asked.
With the glum weather and smoggy air, we took to the hills nearby with some sledding.
I didn't get any pictures of the older girls because they were a little further off on the bigger hills.

Now I am just impatiently waiting for another good round of snow so Kim, Alicia and I can hit the ski slopes.

In other news, we've been busy this month with construction. 

I finished painting Alicia's room over Christmas break, so she is enjoying her very own room again, and might I just add, the peace level in our home has increased dramatically.

As for the rest of the basement, as John was pulling down the ceiling in the family room, he noticed some massive electrical issues, aka fire hazards, which meant pulling down nearly all the walls in the basement family room and pretty much starting from scratch down there.  Not what we were expecting, but we have learned to expect the unexpected when it comes to projects like these. 

Photos of the mountainous pile of demolition we had down there are on my other camera, the one I don't know how to pull pictures off of yet, but to give you an idea of how much debris we had to get rid of, it took us three VERY full loads to the dump to get rid of it all. That doesn't even include the countless dump runs of rock, brick, and cement from the old fireplace.

John has completely redone nearly all of the wiring, has finished framing, and is in the midst of running the speaker lines for the surround sound, and then it will be onto insulation and dry wall and the DREADED mudding and sanding.  I vowed to never do that again after we finished the basement at our last house, so we were going to hire that out this time, but given the unexpected expenses we've run into down there, our basement funds are getting low, therefore, we will resume the dreadfully painful sanding fest shortly.

Expect some great sand-covered photos of us.


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