Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pass the Pigs Feet Please

We went to a party on Friday night with some friends. Best part - adults only (other than our little babe, but she just sat in our arms the whole time good as gold. Why can't my other kids do that?)

The highlight of the evening was when someone opened the pig's feet we brought for the white elephant game. While most everyone was gasping at the sight, my friend who is part Hispanic and grew up in L.A. replied, "They are actually quite good. Here, let me try one!" She ate it like a chicken drumstick, even licking her fingers! Several other party goers attempted to eat one, but they all spit their bite out. Pigs feet are nothing compared to the other things true Mexicans enjoy eating (cow's tongue, stomach...etc.) I guess it's not much different than Japanese eating Sushi. All in how you look at it. I have a pretty weak stomach, but when John introduced me to sushi, I fell in love with the eel roll (cooked of course).

You go girl - especially since no one else could do it!!


Linda said...

Oh, I remember the days in Mexico and all the things I saw in the meat market. Sliced blood was the worst. What a party.

Janell said...

Not for me!!!